Hogwarts Houses: A Metaphor for Your Life

I used to read the Harry Potter books over and over. Eventually, around the time after the last movie was released, I drifted away from the Wizarding World.

Last year I decided to give the Potter audiobooks a try. I enjoyed them. And with the recent release of the video game Hogwarts Legacy, the Potter Universe has really been on my mind lately.

That got me thinking about the Houses at Hogwarts School, trying to decide where to sort my Hogwarts Legacy character into. As you probably know there are 4 Houses, and students are sorted into each one according their specific personality traits.

There is something perpetually fascinating, even primal, about the way JK Rowling defined the traits associated with each house.

Gryffindors are brave and courageous, but can act rashly and be kind of thickheaded. Ravenclaws are curious, creative, and bookish, but can be arrogant, and downright weird. Slytherins are ambitious, resourceful, and cunning, but can be assholes and kind of evil. And lastly Hufflepuffs who well, they are like hard working and fair, but can be not very notable.

Throughout those years reading the books, the House I always thought I would probably be sorted into if I ever got my Hogwarts acceptance letter, was Ravenclaw. But recently, upon listening to the audiobooks, I started considering I might get sorted into Slytherin.

I would have never considered that back then. In the books Slytherins are mostly depicted as evil and bullies. And who wants to be in the same House as dimwits like Crabbe and Goyle, or a totally despicable character like Umbridge?

But, upon a closer look, you can see some very cool things going on in Slytherin. They always support each other and stick together. They can be eternally passionate and devoted. They seem like very focused and driven individuals. And they can be some of the most no-nonsense kind of people. All great things.

Even ambition, their most known trait, can be a good thing too in a targeted way.

But what I especially noticed is this: through my new appreciation for the Slytherin House I realized I’ve changed and grown. I now have a more complete understanding of the complex human experience.

Also, during these last 10 years, I might even have become kind of a not-so-nice individual myself, and that’s alright. I embrace it. According to Jungian psychology it’s important for us to incorporate our Shadow archetype, which is an unconscious dark force inside ourselves. Sounds kind of a very Slytherin thing to me.

Back to Hogwarts Legacy. Given my love for the Ravenclaw House, and my new found regard for Slytherin, I was quite indecisive about where to sort my character in the game. I got to the point where I thought, “screw it, I’ll let the Sorting Hat decide.” And by “Sorting Hat” I mean the official Wizarding World sorting test, which can be found online.

After taking the test 3 times in a row, I was sorted into Ravenclaw. Every damn time.

I immediately yelled, “Stupid hat! I am EVIL.” But no… “Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure. And to Ravenclaw you go, bitch,” answered the Hat.

I concluded I was sorted there because, relative to the other Houses, I still overall value more the traits associated with Ravenclaw, so the test results point to that.

These tests can be fun, but their only serious interpretation is they reflect, not what we are, but what we value the most. And that might be good enough to help us understand a little better the mystery that is ourselves.

The good thing is I don’t have to adhere to any specific fictional magic school House philosophy. I can incorporate anything I want into my life. And moving forward, I think I do want to explore the values of the green and silver House.

Inspiration can come from anywhere, especially from great literature. Maybe in the future I’ll even start to value more what the other Hogwarts Houses represent. I’ll try to remain open.

Always welcome change.

